Late Summer
In the Five Element Theory of Acupuncture there are five seasons, each related to one of the elements. Late Summer is a time for harvest and preparation for a more sparce time of year; a time of spiraling inward. Late Summer is associated with the Earth element. It is a time of shift, from summer break, to school, from summer heat, to crisp and cool.
Earth is often placed in the center of the other elements and it as such is the energy at work (and play) during the transitions between all seasons, not only Summer and Autumn. We experience the Earth element during and around the Spring and Fall equinoxes, as well as the Summer and Winter solstices, each powerful times for bringing intention to any changes or 'shifts' you are wanting to incorporate into your life.
During such times of transition it is important to stay 'grounded' within to better work with the shifting landscape externally.
Spleen and Stomach are the organs associated with the Earth element. These are central organs, anatomically and physiologically. The Stomach is central to nourishment...on all levels. The Stomach takes in food and begins digestion. It is also associated with taking in and 'digesting' thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It is here we make judgements as to whether or not we can 'stomach' something. It is here we get our 'gut' reactions, usually one of our most accurate body barometers. When the Stomach is in balance we give and recieve love and nourishment with ease and grace.
The Spleen distributes the energy released by the Stomach throughout the body. In the Chinese Classic Text, the Nei Ching it is stated that, " is the Spleen that is the foundation of existence of the five viscera." The five viscera being the other organs. The Spleen is also in charge of building blood and holding it in the vessels. It is often the Spleen in need of balance when women's menstrual cycle is either too heavy or too scant. On a emotional, spirtual level the Spleen governs the will, and the memory. Inability to make decisions, or excessively ruminating may indicate excess or deficiency of the Spleen.
Since Late Summer is ruled by the digestive organs, diet is extreamly important. Please click on Diet Suggestions for more information.