Spring belongs to the Wood element. In Chinese Medicine each element, with the exception of the Fire element, has two organ systems associated with it. Each organ system has a meridian, along which are located acupuncture points. The two Wood meridians are the Liver and the Gall Bladder. These organ systems include the organs we are familiar with in Western Medicine, and in addition they encompass energitic properties not included in the system of Western Medicine. The Liver meridain starts at the foot and runs up the front of the body terminating on the chest. The Gall Bladder starts on the head and travels down the sides of the body to end on the foot. The Liver stores the blood, and governs the free flow of Qi and blood throughout the body. The Gall Baldder assists the Liver and secretes bile. The emotional expression of the Liver is anger when it is ill, and courage when it is well. The Liver/Gallbladder is responsible for our determination and initiative. The Liver has an influence over our vision. When this organ system is healthy one is capable of bold, decisive action and clear vision. When it is weak we feel irritable and easily frustrated. Stress can cause stagnation leading to Liver congestion. Physical manifestations of Liver congestion include high blood pressure, headaches, and menstrual cramps, muscle spasms, eye problems, pain in ribs, as well as neck and shoulder tension. Wood is green, it is the element of Spring; it is action, vision, and initiative.
“Health begins with becoming aware of your energy and its balance-what you take in and what you put out.” Staying Healthy With the Seasons Elson M Hass M.D.